#Elmused Tech Tip: Book Creator
What is Book Creator?
Book Creator is an amazing #edtech tool that gives your music students the ability to intuitively create multimedia ebooks. Students can add photos, use the pen tool to illustrate, change the paper to music paper, use the pixabay search tool for images, add audio recordings, add video, app-smash with Bitmoji, Canva, Giphy, and so much more. It has an iOS app as well as is web-based to work on multiple devices. To learn more, watch this week’s episode.
My Students’ Musical eBooks:
My students have created numerous ebooks together in music class to showcase what they have learned, to give them a creative outlet to perform, to give them more opportunities to write and draw, and so much more. We have shared them by screen-recording videos of the ebooks or publishing them online and sharing the link through their classroom sharing platform such as Seesaw. Check out some of our publications below!
I am very proud to say that I did complete the ambassador training for Book Creator because I believe in this product so much.