Mrs. Burns's 3rd Grade Music Class: How Technology Enhances Creating, Performing, Assessing, and Connecting Music Across the Curriculum
As an assessment for a recorder playing and comprehension, the third graders created recorder books to be used by the next year’s recorder students. We use the app book creator to write about the recorder and create audio files and videos of recorder songs.
This trimester, the third graders experienced STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) in their music and science classes. In music, they studied how an instrument produces sound, especially percussion, woodwinds, and strings. In science, they explored volume and pitch as they created a woodwind, string, or percussion instrument from recycled materials.
In second grade, my student musicians composed a four-measure melody. By third grade, they are ready to compose an eight-measure melody that they can perform on the recorder. The students were given the guidelines of composing an eight-measure melody using the notes B A and G and the rhythms quarter, eighth, half, and whole notes.
In second grade, my student musicians composed a four-measure melody. By third grade, they are ready to compose an eight-measure melody that they can perform on the recorder. The students were given the guidelines of composing an eight-measure melody using the notes B A and G and the rhythms quarter, eighth, half, and whole notes.
In second grade, my student musicians composed a four-measure melody. By third grade, they are ready to compose an eight-measure melody that they can perform on the recorder. The students were given the guidelines of composing an eight-measure melody using the notes B A and G and the rhythms quarter, eighth, half, and whole notes.
I am adoring the virtual instrument apps that I have on the iPad for my elementary music classroom. Some of the apps that I am experimenting with or using in my classroom can be found here. In the recording above, my 3rd grade class is singing and performing “Chatter with the Angels” utilizing orff instruments, recorders, voices, and an iPad using an autoharp app plugged into the stereo amp.