Mrs. Burns's 2nd Grade Music Classroom: Create, Compose, Assess, and PbL
The second graders have become composers during the winter trimester! They have been reading and performing notes on the treble clef staff. They used that knowledge to compose a four-measure melody using the notes C D E G and A, along with quarter and half notes.
In the spring, the 2nd graders accomplished numerous national music standards along with successfully completing a project-based learning project with 2nd grade social studies. The essential question was “What was it like to immigrate to America as a child?”
During the winter trimester, the second graders studied the composer, Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827). We read the book Beethoven by Ann Rachlin, and listened and moved to several of his pieces. We then watched the movie Beethoven Lives Upstairs. Afterward, I grouped the students into four groups. The groups were labeled, “Beethoven’s Childhood,” “Beethoven’s Adulthood,” “Beethoven’s Music,” and “Beethoven Lives Upstairs.”