Amy M. Burns

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Help! I am an Elementary Teacher with One or more iPads!

This webpage was created for those who download the free ebook so that they can use these supplements with the lesson plans included in the book. To download the free ebook, click here.

This page is a supplement to the free downloadable ebook.

This list comes straight from my book, Help! I am an Elementary Music Teacher with a SMART Board! This comprehensive list shows resources that range from free to very little in price. Though it is great to create our own Notebook files, it is also wonderful to be able to download another music educator’s file and use it right away in our classrooms or adapt it to our own curriculum. 

FREE - My (Amy M. Burns) free SMART Board notebook files - SMART Board, Power
point, and Promethean Music Lesson (there are now some lessons connected to - Wonderful SMART Board Music by Allison Friedman (there are now some lessons connected to - Cherie Herring’s blog with many SMART Board downloadablemusic activities and assessments. Cherie is a certified SMART Board instructor as well as she has many videos of her students performing the lessons on her website ((there are now some lessons connected to

-  SMART Board files created by The Kodály Aspiring Music Classroom blog. 


• - Ashley’s Queen’s free downloadable music resources, many include SMART board music files. - Interactive web-based resources for the music educator by Will Braune - Discover more than 50,000 easy-to-use, relevant, classroom-ready resources and a growing online community on the SMART Exchange website. You can access the website by clicking the icon in the toolbar in SMART Notebook software. You can also easily share your lessons on the SMART Exchange website. - Dee Tiller’s SMART Board music lessons that you can download straight from her wikisite. - Smart Board Music Lessons

• Smart Boards and music to my ears ( Here's a fun collection of interactive websites related to Music that work great on your SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard.

• Music Interactive Sites for Smartboard Use – Grades K - 5 (

•SMART Board Revolution ( - Keep updated when new discussions, websites, tips, and Notebook files are posted on this network.

•SMART Board Jeopardy Template ( - Some great SMART Board templates to download

Bulletin Boards for the Music Classroom - Powerpoint files of lyrics to numerous songs. - Danny Nicholson 's Blog about the Interactive Whiteboard: Educator, Science teacher, ICT Consultant, PGCE lecturer, Author and Web2.0 / SMART Masters/ Interactive Whiteboard Trainer.

SMART Board Express - View, save, and interact with SMART Notebook files online, at no charge. - Download a free 45 day trial of Notebook - SMART amp allows you to use Google Classrooms to share SMART Notebook content in a cloud-based environment, add web-based content to it, assess, message, zoom, share, take control of devices, and it works on all devices. It allows for student collaboration and can be accessed from anywhere.

Trouble Shooting Notebook Software - This page provides links to user’s guides, how-to and troubleshooting articles, our extensive knowledge base and other resources for your SMART product.

SOME PROMETHEAN WEBSITES: - Carol Broos’s Promethean Music Lessons - Promethean lessons from the software site - Mrs. Dennis has a Promethean board in her classroom and shares some of her flipcharts on her blog.

Want a free version of Promethean on your computer? Click here:


OTHER INTERACTIVE WHITEBOARD RESOURCES: - Mimio resources - Mimio resources - Wiiboard resources - StarBoard Classroom Resources - Hitachi Starboard now just named StarBoard - Polyvision wikispace

$: (THOUGH THE FOLLOWING RESOURCES DO COST MONEY, THEY ARE DEFINITELY WORTH NOTING:) -  Denise Gagne’s SMART Board activities and rhythm activities for around $25-30 each.

Interactive Now - 8+ volumes of Interactive Whiteboard lessons by Debbie Anderson and/or Phyllis Thomas - There are several interactive whiteboard lessons on this site. -  SMART Board files created by The Kodály Aspiring Music Classroom blog.

Interactive Folksongs - The lessons coordinate with projectable music lessons on the enclosed interactive CD-ROM. Recorded melodies (without lyrics) and separate Orff instrument pitches are embedded in the projected lessons for more interactive learning and assessment. - Lisa is an elementary music educator who explains her Promethean Resource packs on this site and who sells her Promethean resource packs onPromethean Planet for around $25.