Amy M. Burns

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Countdown to 2023-10 Tech Tools or Tips for Elementary and Middle School General Music: #6 Big Free Music Notation Image Library COMPLETE 2022

For the past few years, I have counted down to the new year with a top ten list. I begin on 12/23 and end on 1/1. The list is comprised of 10 tech tools or tips for elementary and middle school general music. This top ten list will have a tech tool or tip featured each day in a short video and blog post. When we reach number one, I will follow it with a video of all ten tools and tips. Therefore, you can follow me daily, or come back on New Year’s Day and catch all ten at once.


If you are new to this YouTube channel or my website or my buymeacoffee site, my name is Amy M. Burns and I have been teaching and integrating technology into the elementary music classroom for over 25 years at Far Hills Country Day School, a preschool through grade 8 private school in NJ. For the past two years, I have also worked for Katie Wardrobe in her Midnight Music Community as the Community Coordinator answering questions and giving out tech tips to the community. Finally, I am an author and clinician with four publications. My recent publication titled Using Technology with Elementary Music Approaches is published by Oxford University Press and can be purchased from OUP or Amazon today.

Each week on this website and my YouTube channel I post a play-along video, resource video, or a webisode about integrating technology into the music classroom. Please subscribe and click like to the video so that you can get weekly notifications about resources you can immediately use in your classroom. I am also working on my Teachers Pay Teachers page, but currently, it holds many free items. I hope to get that going more in 2023. If you like my resources, please consider buying me a coffee at

#6 Katie Wardrobe’s Midnight Music’s Big Free Music Notation Image Library COMPLETE 2022!

Have you ever needed notation graphics that you could easily grab and use at a moment’s notice? Or have access to them to create manipulatives, presentations, worksheets, posters, and more? Look no further than Katie Wardrobe’s Midnight Music’s Big Free Music Notation Library COMPLETE 2022!

Katie Wardrobe is the founder of Midnight Music and the Midnight Music Community. Katie created this community to help music educators with music technology in a simple way. She and her team help music educators to integrate music technology in the classroom through webinars, courses, training videos, and she also gives you lessons, ideas, and projects for any devices at any age level used in music classes.

At Midnight Music, we’re on a mission to demystify music technology for music educators worldwide with world-class resources, professional development tools, and expert support. I have worked as the Community Coordinator for the past two years and it has been a wonderful experience creating a safe place for music educators to ask questions about educational and music technology.

Big Free Music Notation Library COMPLETE 2022!

Back in 2015, Katie created a downloadable folder of notation, music symbols, accidentals, barlines, clefs, dynamics, rests, staves, and meters for anyone to download for free and to use in their classroom. In 2022, she updated it and it now has over 150 music notation images. She added articulation, pedal, ties, turns, trills, mordents, bowing, boomwhacker notation, 8va, 8vb, note stems only, noteheads only, groups for compound time, groups for simple time, repeats and fermata, and probably more that I am forgetting to mention.

Check out this great, free resource today! And if you feel compelled, visit her community. It is definitely worth checking out.


Check back tomorrow for tech tool or tip #5!